Monkey Greetings my friends! Oh that rascal Max! The last I left you, we all were at our wits end because Max was missing from our walk in the woods. We fanned out all over those woods, calling "Max, Max - where are you?" As you can plainly see, our woods are very close to a large lake and we were sick with worry about where our Max had disappeared to.
After about ten minutes of calling his name and running here, there and everywhere to try to find him, Morley, myself and all the little monkeys gathered together to catch our breath and to devise a plan to find Max. Poor little Martha was crying her eyes out. She is my serious minded and thoughtful little girl and she was so worried that she might never see Max again.
Suddenly, we heard a crashing sound in the woods and we could tell it was getting closer and closer! We could hear branches snapping and leaves crackling and then all at once, Max came flying through the woods towards us riding on the back of a turkey! Yep, a real turkey.
You can just imagine our surprise. I was so relieved to see Max once again, that I completely forgot to scold him for wondering away and joined in the peels of laughter that rang out of these woods from all the little monkeys and Morley. When Max got down off that turkey we just about smothered him with hugs and kisses, and Martha jumped on his back and hung on like a...well, like a little monkey!
This was certainly enough adventure for one day. So I gathered up my monkeys, grabbed Morley's paw and we headed back to the cabin for dinner and an evening of board games. Don't you just love to play games at your house?
If you do, then you won't want to miss out on the fun. Be sure to knock on the door of The Cottage at The End of The Lane in a little while and have a peek.