In a cabin, tucked in the woods on the edge of a vast lake lives a mysterious world of sock monkeys. By day the cabin houses Monkey Moments, a greeting card and gift business revolving solely around the classic Red Heel Sock Monkey, but by night.... it is an entirely different world.
Well, hello there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Mabyn and do I have a story to tell. Actually, I have many tales to tell! And because I have finally completed my online writing course and have received my degree in sock monkey story telling, lets get started.
I have learned it is best to start at the beginning, so the beginning is where I will start. I am the matriarch, so to speak, of a cottage full of sock monkeys. This cottage, named The Cottage At The End of the Lane is situated in a deep dark wood overlooking a vast lake.
Our story started several years back. Two sisters, bound by their footloose and fancy free upbringing, not to mention, bohemian lifestyle, needed a way to extend this magical childhood. They wondered if the innocence of childhood could somehow survive adultness. In short, they wondered if they could turn their ability to loathe the sameness of many vocations and their inability to curb their laughter at inappropriate times into a meaningful, not to mention profitable, vocation.
The sisters, Claudia and Carollee, (notice that neither one of their names start with the letter 'M'; I will expound on this later) began to make sock monkeys. They made sock monkey clothes and they made sock monkey backdrops. After all of this making the sisters began to take pictures of the monkeys. In a very short amount of time, they began to view human life through sock monkey eyes!
The sisters created so many sock monkeys that they needed a place to keep them and their many props. So they bought The Cottage At The End of The Lane. And this is where we all reside. By day, we lay around on tables, in drawers, on dressers and even in plastic bins. We are found in many stages of dress and undress. We are docile, uncomplaining, and for the most part, asleep. We definitely have no personalities.
But then....at the end of each day, the sisters turn out all but one light, throw pellets in the stove if it is winter or turn off the air conditioning if it is the summer (how inconsiderate!) and walk out the cottage door.
An entirely different world is about to come to life. Our world. The world of the sock monkeys that reside at Monkey Moments - The Cottage at the End of the Lane.
With so many stories whirling around my head, one hardly knows where to start. But oh, it would be wrong of me not to start with my husband, Morley. There is nothing that Morley can not do or fix and that is a good thing, believe you me! Remember, the sisters had this charming notion that a cottage at the edge of a woods would figure nicely into their romantic notion of a most wonderful place to run a business. Nevermind that they had not one clue as to how to keep this cabin in ongoing heat in the winter, or electricity in the storms, or how to keep out the snakes, mice, wasps, ladybugs and occasional groundhog that tirelessly assault the cottage. But not to worry - Morley is the monkey! The Monkey that is, for these jobs!
Oh for pity sake....Meg and Micah seem to be having a problem with each other...so I must go for now.
Check back in with me very soon to find out the latest goings on at The Cottage at the End of The Lane!
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